Our Partners

There is a saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child”, and the same can be said about our charity concert. Our “A Night to Remember” Charity Concert & Silent Auction would not be possible without our amazing and dedicated event and silent auction partners.


This year, we have the United Flour Mills Public Co., Ltd. who is kindly supporting our 2 p.m. matinee show. With their generous contribution, we are able to offer this show completely FOR FREE for audience members who normally may not have access or be able to afford a ticketed show; they include underprivileged children, the elderly, and children with disabilities. UFM Bakery House will also be kindly donating snack boxes for the guests at the end of the show, and we are eternally grateful.

Meanwhile, back for a second year in a row will be student volunteers from KIS International School. They will be warmly welcoming all of our guests, introducing the silent auction artworks, and facilitating your every need.


Five international schools have enthusiastically embraced our call to partner with us by contributing student artworks for our Silent Auction, and the result is truly stunning.
Patrons will also have an opportunity to bid on original student artwork to further support our two beneficiaries the Bangkok Post Foundation and Hope Development Foundation.

We are deeply grateful and moved by everyone’s genuine intent to help and will do all we can to ensure that you will truly experience “A Night to Remember”.