Become an Advocate
Become an Advocate
The math is simple.
Currently, CCF has around 42,000 children and youths under their education sponsorship program.
But 5,000 of them are in danger of being left behind.
With no real end to the pandemic in sight, this number will only continue to grow, as more and more sponsors are choosing to either end or pause their donations.
We don’t need to wait for more children to be left without a chance at an education.
For just 600 baht a month, or 7200 baht a year, you can fund a child’s annual education fee, provide stationary supplies and age appropriate enrichment program.
5,000 x 7,200 baht = 36,000,000 baht
That is the annual shortfall for CCF.
“A Night to Remember” Charity Concert is aiming to raise at least 3,000,0000 baht, or close to 10% of the shortfall.
We invite you and your organization to make this happen either as a Table Advocate, or a Silent Auction Advocate.
We thank you for advocating together with us.